

One benefit of living in the Bay Area is that we get visitors now and then!  A few weeks ago, a friend who's currently at Dartmouth College was in the area on a business trip and he was able to spend a few extra days with us.  We capitalized on the opportunity and took him hiking along the coast at Tomales Bay.  It wasn't a super clear day, but the fog/clouds did lift as we reached the point (yay!).  There were also some wildflowers out, which I thought were absolutely gorgeous.  If you have a day to spend outdoors, this was a longer, but reasonable and rewarding hike with out a lot of demanding elevation changes.
And now we have the pleasure of having another friend from Los Alamos (who's most recently been in Japan) in the area for the next few months.  Alan will be over for dinner tonight, and then who knows what other things we'll find to do with him over the rest of the time.

What do you like to do with visitors?

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